Best SEO Strategies For Doing The Business of 21st Century

What are the keys to successful business strategy in the 21st century? What are the strategies for SEO to grow your business?  Such many questions may arise in your mind when you think about the Business of the 21st Century.

The Business of the 21st century thrives well using online marketing platforms. The Business of the 21st century may be a kind of Affiliate marketing, Network marketing, Blogging, E-catering, Dropshipping, etc. However, the success of these online businesses relied on successful SEO strategies. 

Do you want to outrank the competition in the Google Search Engine? Do you want to rank on the first page of Google? if yes, then you must know these Best SEO strategies.

SEO strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become vital to benefit the business because SEO is the main important factor for marketing an online business.

SEO is the process of optimising a website to rank well on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Dynamic websites are commonly used for e-commerce because they are easier to update and expand; however, they are subjected to indexing-related problems. To overcome indexing-related problems you must follow below on-page SEO strategies.

1) Search engine:

In SEO strategies understanding the search engine is important to promote a blogging website or any website over the internet. Search engines investigate a website’s contents to understand information about a website. Therefore, there is a need to optimize a website to make it search engine friendly. This will help to bring a website to the top search results. Google search engine is not a Human but it is an artificial intelligent program it may call a “crawler”, “robot” or “spider”.

Search engines are basically classified into two general categories: Crawler-based search engines and Human-powered directories; both work in a fundamentally different manner. But for bloggers and small business websites, crawler-based search engines are more important. The crawler or robot-based search engines typically work in three steps.

First, They crawl through the website; second, they analyze the webpage information for a targeted URL or keywords, evaluate the correspondence between the webpage and search criteria, then they write this information in a specific format in its index database; and finally, they extract webpage(s) in response of search query, containing most relevant ultimate information, from index database.

The final result is displayed in the form of hyperlinks and precise summaries of corresponding websites.

Most of search engines present paid search results at the top right side of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Some search engines have their own policy.

For example, Google Adwords is determined by a “bidding model” where businesses do bidding for a Cost Per Click (CPC) to have their ad appear in paid search results. Advertisers bid only for those keywords or phrases for which they want to have visibility of their website in search results (Paid Results).

Organic or Natural search results deal with obtaining a top position to become more visible in the SERPs without paying fees to search engines. These results are powered by crawler-based search engines. Unlike paid advertisements, web developers build their websites to obtain a top position in search engines and to become more visible in the Organic search results and it is totally free of cost.

This model is most suitable for bloggers, who want to make money online using their blog or website.  Websites with unique, quality, up-to-date content with more backlinks would have a higher probability rank higher in the Organic search results. As searchers are more likely to click on organic results it is much more valuable than the appearance of paid results.  

Therefore, website developers optimize their websites to increase their website‘s visibility in organic search results in search engines. The creation of a website for making it search engine friendly to acquire visibility in search engines and obtain a higher place in SERPs of search engines is a fundamental nature of SEO.

When you get more traffic on your website, it will rank higher in search engines like Google and it will generate a high sales figure.

Most commonly website developers or bloggers use several tricks to create eye-catching and mind-blowing effects on their websites to make them look appealing and attractive to the website’s users, but unfortunately, the owner or blogger of the website cannot get anything out of such website, if a user is not able to see or find the website through search engines. Hence SEO comes into the picture and it helps the website or website pages to rank higher in search engines.

Google search engines provide us a platform to present or sell products or services to customers, and SEO techniques help us to promote our blogging businesses through the search engines.

At the same time, a search engine also helps the end user to search for what they are interested in buying. SEO is the procedure of improving the visibility of websites or blogs in search engines by way of organic or unpaid search results.

SEO is the art to customize the content of a website to make it search-engine friendly.

2) SEO Strategies for Search Engine

SEO strategies are some key tactics and ethical steps which should be considered while developing websites. Although, the goal to bring a website among top-ranked websites is not a dream that will come true overnight. However, SEO is a long-term process that continues with the life of websites.

The SEO strategies make it possible to tell the search engines that what your website is about; finally, it gives you a nice way to get users on your website through organic search results in search engines.

A) On-page SEO Strategy:

As the name implies on-page SEO strategy, is employed on Webpages to optimize them to increase their importance in search engines. In other words, an on-page SEO strategy is used to optimize factors that are related to the contents of each blog or webpage and the structure of the website.  

This strategy mainly comprises Blog titles, header tags, Meta tags, targeted keywords, keywords density, ALT tags, content placement, breadcrumb trail, URL structure and size, internal linking of webpages, site update frequency; last but not least, sitemaps and robot.txt files.

These factors are at the heart of an on-page SEO strategy to make your blog or website friendly for both website’s users and search engines. This strategy put in the picture the theme and contents of your website. What I am trying to say is that everything in SEO is fair game, and if you execute the right sequence of actions on your blog page, then you can outrank the competition.

Have a look at each point thoroughly-

i) Blog Title or Title Page Tag

In On-page SEO, the page title tag is one of the most important tags because it informs both search engines and website users about the contents of a particular webpage. The blog title page tag is represented as <title> and it is basically an HTML code in the <head> section.

It is important because it is used to create a string of text that appears in the top bar of the Web browser. Search engines display your blog page title as a headline – with a hyperlink to enter your website in search engine results.

The Blog title or title page tag is an essential and critical factor because almost each search engine ranking algorithms consider the title of the webpage while crawling or indexing and displaying the title in search result.

In the search engine’s crawling process blog title or Title page has become the first point of contact for robots/crawlers on your blog or website.

Another important point is that searcher when clicks on the search result in the search engine, only when they find headlines of your blog or Page Title relevant to their search query.

Blog Title or Title Page Tag, on the webpage, is considered the most important factor in on-page SEO because of the following main reasons.

a) Search engine’s ranking algorithm expects that the contents of the webpage are related to the title of the webpage.

b) In the search engine display the page title as a heading in response to the search query. The page title of the blog webpage is displayed as a text link to the website.

c) Title of the blog page is displayed in the top bar of the browser window as the name of the page being viewed by a user; thus it has an important navigational usability for both users and browser.

The length of the blog page title should not be more than 64 characters (including spaces) because most browsers and search engines are not able to cover the full length of a lengthy page title and browsers truncate the size of the title of the webpage to make it consistent to display.

Use of apostrophes, commas and other special characters should be avoided on the title page of the blog; if there is a need to use them it is better to use the HTML code of the character. 

ii) Meta Tags

Meta tags are essential for the proper indexing of websites in search engines. These Meta tags are placed in the header section of a page. The most commonly used Meta tags are abstract Meta tags, keyword Meta tags, description Meta tags, expiry Meta tags, distribution Meta tags, copyright Meta tags, robot Meta tags, and language Meta tags.

Not all but some of these tags are used by search engines for indexing and ranking your blog page.

Keyword Meta tag contains a series of important keywords specific to your blog page which ultimately represent the contents of your webpage. It is a very important tag used by search engines to find a page for a searcher.

The robot Meta tag is used to define rules for search engines especially how to treat your webpage either your page index or non-index. The actual purpose of this tag is to guide and control crawlers for crawling and indexing of your blog page. The rules specified under this tag are applied to all search engines. While preparing the blog post, multiple specifications can be set by the blogger under this tag.  

Search engines are very smart enough to find duplicate content on the webpage and index only one version and not index duplicate versions of the same content but it consumes the crawling time of a website.

The ‘no-follow’ and ‘no-index’ specifications can be used to resolve such problems by restricting crawlers to crawling different versions of the same content. By saving crawling time, another important webpage can be crawled; which ultimately improved the indexing of the website.

Descriptions Meta Tags are used to describe the content of a webpage in a short format using precise keywords related to the webpage. This description tag plays a very important role in improving the Click Through Rate (CTR) of the website.  

The distribution Meta tag specifies in which areas/regions the website contents should be available through search engines. The contents of the website would be available only according to the specified value under this tag. The values of this tag can be global, local, or for internal use.

The expiry Meta tag is very important because it is required to specify when the webpage is needed to be removed from the search engine. This tag is very useful for frequently updated sites especially for news sites to refresh search engine indices. This tag allows blog posts to get more places in search engine databases for indexing newly updated page content.

iii) Targeted Keywords and Keyword density

To obtain desired information from a search engine, searchers enter keywords or phrases in the search engine’s search area. Hence, the selection and placement of keywords is a very important element of the SEO campaign.

Keywords decision should be taken even before the selection of a domain name; since the contents, title and URL of the website need to have sufficient keywords. Already existing blog sites can also be optimized by keywords. The choice of good keywords and their appropriate use in website content leads towards better indexing and better ranking.

Bloggers make a common mistake that they try to rank their website using a single keyword instead of many keywords. This leads their blog to lose traffic in search engines; because only 20% of searchers look for a single word. 

Keyword density means the number of times the particular keyword appears in webpage content. The excessive use of keywords on a website or on a webpage sometimes becomes problematic; because search engines would consider it keyword stuffing.

This might cause that such webpage from your blog would not be indexed by search engines and in the worst case your blogging website would be banned.

iv) Header Tags

When search engine spiders examine your webpage, they also consider text or contents under the header tag for inclusion into the indices. Therefore, the use of keywords in the header tag is important. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can also be used to handle these tags in an efficient way. Almost all search engines consider header tags; so there is no reason to avoid it.

v) ALT Tag

Providing graphic images, pictures or any graphical content that increases the blog’s aesthetic value and one can communicate the information concisely and precisely using graphic pictures.

Though, user-friendly content of websites might not be much friendly for search engines. Images or graphic pictures are virtually invisible to search engines; hence, ALT tags are helpful for making images visible to search engines.

The ALT tags are used to provide a textual description of the image. A textual description of the image tells the search engines that what is image about. Another advantage of ALT tags is that it makes images searchable to search engine like Google.  

vi) Internal Linking

Search engines follow links on a webpage(s) to discover another webpage (s) of the website. For this reason, bloggers should pay good attention to building internal links to websites. Most of the blogger do the common mistake of hiding navigation or making confusing navigations which makes the website difficult to crawl and index.

Please keep in mind it could cause search engines to leave your blogging website without indexing disconnected web pages. It is very important to take care that each desired webpage on the blogging website is connected with proper navigations and reachable to search engines.

vii) Content Placement

It is very important and necessary to provide a good presentation of important contents of your blog webpage to search engines. It would help search engines crawl and index websites more effectively.

If you give the navigations to another webpage at the beginning of your blog webpage it may cause Google spiders to switch to the next page, without scrawling your complete blog and this causes spiders to miss useful content on the current page.

Hence it is imminent to place content on your blog webpage in a friendly manner for both website’s users and spiders.

Bloggers make mistakes in that they place important content in way more and more accessible to website users; though, a user-friendly content placement might not give you fruitful results in indexing.

viii) Bread-crumb Trail

Breadcrumb trail is a text-based navigational approach used by the Google Spider. It is very helpful for both blog users and Google Spiders for returning back to the previous webpage on the navigational path.

ix) URL Structure and Size

Keyword-targeted URLs are considered best for blogging website users and search engine spiders because readable URLs reflect the insight of a website. Readable URLs serve as a “nameplate” of house.

Search engines spider cannot crawl dynamic-looking URL that contains special characters, or very long URL is also not suitable for the spider. It is recommended by major search engines to avoid complex and very long URLs.  

x) Site Update Frequency

Most bloggers misunderstood that On-page SEO strategies need to implement only once and later there is nothing to think about that again but this is not the reality.

A number of factors need to be considered for maintaining the blogging website content even after the website is indexed or ranked first in Google.

It is very productive to update a website regularly and frequently by adding new webpage and writing unique content; because this is an obvious way to attract Google search engines to come back for crawling your website and re-index it.

XI) Page Compression and Page upload time

Google search engine does not like to revisit and index your blog website if its response time is not good and it takes much time to load. Similarly, users will also leave your blog webpage if it takes longer than 10 seconds to open. 

Image compression and cleaning up HTML and CSS can be implemented to reduce webpage size.

XII) Search Engine Essential Files

There are mainly two essential files in the SEO campaign, sitemap and robot.txt. These files are important for Google search engine spiders and play a significant role in website users’ to access your blogging website content.

These files play an important role to direct search engines on your websites. The importance of these files is very high for large and dynamic websites. 

Sitemaps :

In general, there are two types of sitemaps. They are known as HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps. Sitemaps are used to locate your blogging website by crawlers and users and to inform them about the important webpage(s) of the website in the form of a list of web pages on your website.

robot.txt :

Whenever search engine spiders come for crawling your website content and bring some budget in the form of a number of Web Pages to crawl and how much crawling time to devote, Robot.txt (with all lower case) file lead to better indexing.

The robot.txt file will save the waste of website bandwidth and crawling time.

Moreover, it works like a tool that can be used to restrict spiders from indexing those contents of websites that you do not want to present publicly in search results.

As a blogger, we can have a little more control over search engine robots than they are allowed to do on your website. In order to use this valuable tool, it is required to have access to the root of the domain. The file name should be the same as “robot.txt”.  

B) Off-page SEO strategies:

Off-page SEO strategies are applied after the implementation of On-page SEO strategies for improving website ranking in Google. Off-page SEO strategies are those strategies that are nothing to do with the content of a blogging website.

Unlike On-page SEO strategies, these strategies are done offsite and usually, these are not visible on the website.  

Off-page SEO strategies on a website are not performed at once but these are applied gradually for better and long-term results for ranking of your website and for driving targeted traffic to your website.

What I’m trying to say here is that everything in SEO is fair game, and if you execute the right sequence of actions, you can outrank the competition in Google.

Checklist for successful SEO Strategies:

  1. Have you chosen a focus keyword? (Yes / No)
  2. Have you placed a keyword at the front of your title tag? (Yes / No)
  3. Have you added the keyword in your title tag and your meta description tag? (Yes / No)
  4. Have you used your target keyword in the first 100 words on the page or in the blog post? (Yes / No)
  5. Have you used a variety of headings on your webpage or in your content? (Yes / No)
  6. Have you placed the keyword in the URL? (Yes / No)
  7. Have you placed the keyword in your content at least 3-5 times? (Yes / No)
  8. Have you placed different variations or synonyms of focus keywords? (Yes / No)
  9. Does your blog content long enough? (Yes / No)
  10. Does your content satisfy search intent? (Yes / No)
  11. Have you added image alt tags to the images on your website and in your content? (Yes / No)
  12. Is your blog page URL short? (Yes / No)
  13. Is your blog page URL easy to read? (Yes / No)
  14. Does the blog page URL give the reader a clear understanding of where they are on your site? (Yes / No)
  15. Do you have checked your blog site’s loading time? (Yes / No)
  16. Is your website loading in under 3 seconds? (Yes / No)
  17. Are you adding internal links at the top of the page? (Yes / No)
  18. Have you compressed HTML, CSS and JavaScript files? (Yes / No)

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