Do you want to start Blogger as a career? Or do you want blogging as a side hustle? Or do you want to earn tons of money using Affiliate marketing? If your answer is yes, then this blog is certainly for you.
If you want to be successful in blogging and affiliate marketing then you must know, How to choose Blogging Niche for Profitable Affiliate Marketing?
A good beginning with the right Blogging Niche will land you definitive success. Why I am saying this because if you are not selecting the right blogging niche and posting your blogs on different – different topics, then your blogging website will not going to rank in Google. Ultimately you are starting with the failure of your blogging journey.
Hence, it is mandatory you must have a particular Blogging Niche.
Make sure to study your niche well and understand your market. With a little bit of hard work as well as lots of determination, you can start an effective blogging business and use it as a stepping stone for the future.
The first and prime requirement of your Blogging Niche is that you have passion and interest in your chosen niche.
The second requirement is – You need to review your chosen niche and make sure that it is not too difficult to penetrate.
The third requirement is – Make sure your chosen niche should have a lot of good products to promote.

Fourth requirement – Your chosen product should have a large consumer base.
Choosing a highly specialized niche is an ideal way to help you stand out from others with the same general product, thus making your affiliate marketing more effective in the long run.
Choosing the right Niche may be more difficult than it sounds, however, as not every niche and sub-niche is automatically going to be profitable which is why it is important to do the proper research before you get started to avoid wasting your time.
While creating and posting the marketing content on your website that will result in positive clicks requires a fair amount of interaction with users within the topic and surrounding the topic in question. The best idea is to choose a niche, which is something that you are already passionate about.
If you, itself is gone bored with the topic/niche you have chosen for your Blogging then; certainly, success is not yours. Hence, choosing the blogging Niche is very much important.
If you can’t come up with something profitable that completely lines up with your hobbies or interests, you will at least be able to pick something that you aren’t actively opposed to learning quite a bit more about.
Remember, affiliate marketing is a slow and steady process of amassing users and teaching them that they can trust you which means that it is crucial to pick a niche.
After you have between 5 to 10 potential topics in mind, the next thing you are going to want to do is to break them down into more specific categories, two or three per topic should do it, and then do a little extra online research to see how the space is currently defined by your future competition in the space.
You don’t need to focus only on profitable ideas at this step, only a wide variety of options. The goal is to get the creative juices flowing and help you tap into some sub-niches that you may otherwise miss.
You can look out at your daily routine with an open eye towards the things that are popular enough and already have a broad audience. While at the same time choosing a topic should not be so broadly popular that finding space in the niche would be difficult.
If you are really not able to figure out the niche for your website or for Affiliate marketing then, please go through the Amazon product category and it will help you to figure out the product or topic that fits well for your business.
You can look out at your daily routine with an open eye towards the things that are popular enough and already have a broad audience. While at the same time choosing a topic should not be so broadly popular that finding space in the niche would be difficult.
If you are really not able to figure out the niche for your website or for Affiliate marketing then, please go through the Amazon product category and it will help you to figure out the product or topic that fits well for your business.
Follow the below points while preparing for How to choose Blogging Niche for Profitable Affiliate Marketing?
Looking into the targeted audience narrow down your list
Once you have shortlisted the potential niches the next thing is that you have to cut down the list by considering the best of the best niche idea bearing in mind the targeted audience.
Finding the right audience can be done in various ways, starting with a consideration of your own demographic and the people surrounding you who might be interested in the niche products that you may want to advertise.
Consider the problems of your audience
Once you have decided your target audience in your particular niche, and then start noticing the problems your target audience faces on daily basis. Also, notice the desires and aspirations of your audience and the problem facing to achieve the same.

Go and search these problems in the search engine Google. If you do not find the proper many results then it’s really a good opportunity for you to target the audience with these problems and solutions.
Consider the profit potential
It is better to find any suitable product(s) which may be helpful to solve the various issues of your audience. especially small businesses. This is an especially important step as there is no point in advertising content if your target audience is sceptical about the solutions you are going to provide.
Better to focus on the items that are well within their price range, though not so cheap that they would constitute an impulse buy. This will ensure they don’t spend too long thinking about each decision, while at the same time ensuring they still seek some guidance.
Remember when you support small businesses then you are supporting your dream.

To ensure that people are buying what you are considering selling, you can head to Adwords Google and look at the keyword planner tool. This will allow you to view search results as they are filtered by keyword as a means of determining how often they come in search results in general.
It will also show you the breakdown of the timeline of the searches, allowing you to determine if the products you are taking into consideration for selling are on the rise or on the way out of public awareness.
Intermittently you should visit your competitor’s blogging site to keep an eye out for those that have active advertising beyond Google AdSense as this is a sign that they are popular enough to attract outside advertisers as well. This is a strong sign that there is money can be made from the community you are considering as a potential target.
Decide if you can stick with it
When you decided or finalized the potential niche, that is going to work for you the next step is to have an honest conversation with yourself regarding your ability to stick with the niche and provide useful, and profitable, content in the long run.
This is the commitment with you that you will be creating rich meaningful content for your website visitors or audience and not creating a stray bit of content here and there. If you really want to make money with affiliate marketing then you need to create a public persona that those in the niche respond to.
In this way, you will build trust and create the type of traffic to your site in the long term that you are going to need to generate a reliable and consistent passive income stream.
Look at Trend
You also have to research that the specific niche which you have chosen, has a strong audience now, doesn’t mean that you can jump into it without doing some research. Because it is quite possible that the niche you have selected may have already peaked when it comes to popularity.
If this is the case then, in spite of your best hard work, you will only ever see diminishing returns. Hence, it is better to start somewhere else instead of square one again in a matter of a month or two.
The free tool provided by Google i.e. Google Trend is extremely helpful in this case as it shows how often a keyword was searched each month.
You can see from the below searches in the Google trend clearly indicates that Blogging has quite good interest over the other topic Big Panda and Tiny Dragon.

Look for the better entry point
While preparing to make the blog or website more prone to be listed on the first page of Google, then you have to do the competitor’s keyword research i.e. types of keywords that your competitors are using and the same may be beneficial for you to target your audience.

For this, you need to visit Google and do a simple search utilizing the types of keywords that your target audience is likely going to use or you can go for more advanced on-page SEO.
The less diverse the first page of Google search results, the more difficult it will be for you to make a space in the competition.
Check the ability to create content
Once you selected the promising niche where you have put tons of content over time. So think about it what you are going to need to do is to consider if you have the ability to create enough content to get your site running properly.
It is better to list the 75 to 100 topics around your selected niche and keep ready almost all blog articles with you, do not publish at one go but keep all of them as buffer stock. Once your buffer stock of blog articles is ready then continue creating good content simultaneously.
Your buffer stock will keep you going smoothly for the initial one or two months. The blog articles you are creating should not be all about the product review but somewhat informational and valuable to the reader. While creating the buffer stock, if you face challenges in acquiring the content and shaping it into a good rich in information blogging article, then you certainly have to think about whether are you willing to continue with the same niche or want to abandon it.
While creating the initial 75 to 100 blog articles, your patience, ability to create useful content, skills, and passion for the topics which you have chosen for your niche will be tested hard. Based on these results you can forecast whether your journey of blogging and affiliate marketing is going to be fruitful or not, hence don’t ignore it.
Some Evergreen Niche Ideas
On the internet, people are always eagerly waiting to consume good, informative new content. Some topics are evergreen and some are seasonal. Evergreen topics may be useful for the new bees. For the best results, start with one of these and then look for a relatively new sub-niche that you can really put your mark on.
Wealth, Health and Romance
The complete world revolves around the topic of wealth, health and romance.
These are evergreen topics on this entire planet. So you can choose one of them. Although these are very wide topics, you have to look into the very specific activity inside these topics.
For example, wealth topics can be subdivided into many sub-topics like foundations in personal finance, next-gen personal finance, personal financial wealth management, real-estate wealth management, stocks and mutual funds, banking and finance, Loan management, internet marketing, gambling or investing, online money management, etc.
Similarly true with the Health niche can be subdivided into several topics like personal health, Health and hygiene, women’s health, neonate and Kids health, old aged Health, weight loss, smoking and drinking issue management, etc.
Romance can be subdivided into several sub-niches like Love affairs, dating, parenting, Divorce management, Stable life challenges, personal grooming products, etc.
Essentially this means that there are potential customers beyond count out there that are just waiting for someone to tell them how to solve all their problems and they are willing to throw as much money at the issue as it takes to find happiness in the life they are looking for.
Some other niches are expensive Hobbies, Technology niches, Software application products, etc.
In summary you can choose Blogging Niche for Profitable Affiliate Marketing using the above tactics but still you will be required to be passionate, willing to learn, and able to create rich useful content and some sort of patience then you have.
Read More: The Business of 21st century: Affiliate Marketing
All smart blogging tips here. Drilling down on problems gives affiliates potential. Solve problems through blog posts to earn trust. Trusted bloggers increase affiliate income. Keep up the great blogging work.