How To Create Best Personal Blog Website?

Do you want to start blogging then you must Know How to create the best personal blog website? If you want to run an e-Business then also you must know, How to create a high-quality Website?

A website is a collection of several web pages that are all related to each other and can be accessed by visiting a homepage, by using a browser like Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Brave. While developing the website, a blogger or small business owner must ensure that all online transactions will be secure, particularly those involving money.

Websites primarily act as a medium to communicate the information that you want to communicate with your consumers worldwide. Using the website you can advertise or publish your ideas, items that may be any kind of product, service or software, etc. It gives you a platform to reach out to a far-and-wide global customer base.

As a blogger, you have the possibility to refer or recommend or influence your readers and get paid. If you have a business idea, then you don’t have to wait. You can straightaway open an online shop and sell your products or services online. Online e-shop will be open 24/7 for your consumers, around the year.

You can communicate with your consumers, giving them an opportunity to express themselves by giving their comments or suggestions about your service or product on your website. Being the owner of the website you can provide valuable customer support.  

If you want to know How to create the best personal blog website? then you will be required to know the following basic things:

a) You must have a website hosting plan from any reputed website Hosting provider. This will be required to set up a website and make it live. The reputed Hosting providers are Hostinger, Bluehost, WPX Hosting, Kinsta, Dream Host, HostGator, etc.

b) Identity name for your website that is called a domain name. Domain names will be available from domain name service providers like GoDaddy, Hostinger,, Bluehost, HostGator, etc.

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c) Write your own content that you want to publish on the personal blog website.

d) Acquire SEO Skills before publishing the article or blog on the web page. To learn how to acquire the simple SEO skill please go through the web link given here. There are a number of Search Engine Optimization service providers. Some of them are Semrush, Serpstat, SpyFu, etc.

e) Publish your blog on your website. These above points look very simple but unfortunately, when you want to take your business or blogging online it is not that much easy.

The following points also need to consider before taking any decision to bring your website online.

You must have clear cut website objective:

Clear-cut objectives will increase the chances of the website design and content will work to achieve those objectives smoothly.  

A website can build awareness of the business; build awareness of particular brands or services; distribute information to supporters, customers, and stakeholders on products; services; build relationships with customers; develop an innovative marketing strategy or reinforce an existing strategy; manage subscriptions, online registration and payment; build the company’s reputation; and it is a tool for collecting data from users or conducting online surveys.

An additional benefit of doing e-Business in the 21st Century is that you will also benefit from a website by putting relevant advertisements and get monetized your website from AdSense, Ezoic, and you can also do affiliate marketing using Amazon Associates Program, ShareASale, eBay Affiliate. Hence, the objective to build the website should be clear.

For your best personal blog or business website you should have a good layout:

The website layout is important because it is one of the first things a visitor perceives when landing on a website. Layout refers to the positioning of various elements that comprise a web page, where each text object will be positioned on each page or screen, the width and length of columns, the amount of space that will be placed between the lines of text, images, alignment whether the page will be text only or used more advanced designs or infographics. For creating the website design elementor is the best among other service providers.

The colour of website pages also matters:

Colour is a powerful component of the design of website pages. It affects the moods and emotions of consumers, and it evokes associations with time and place. For websites, colour is important in defining a site’s environment because people see colour before they absorb given content. The key to the effective use of colour in website design is to match the expectations of the target audience.

Financial services sites tend to use formal colours (e.g., green or blue) with simple charts to illustrate the text but not many pictures. Gaming sites are one type of site that can get away with in-your-face colours with Flash effects and highly animated graphics.

Sites directed at a female audience tend to feature lighter colours, usually pastels, with many pictures and an open design featuring lots of white space. Colours should be selected that reflect the purpose of the site and enhance the design.

The wrong choice could adversely affect a website visitor’s experience at the site. For bloggers, the pink colour shows romance, love, friendship, delicacy, feminine; ideal for relationship coaches, florists, and breast cancer awareness sites.

The blue colour is ideal for financial businesses, insurance companies, and lawyers and shows solid communication, calm, wisdom, trust, and reassurance. White colour is ideal for almost every business and shows purity, goodness, simplicity and looks clean.

The red colour is also ideal for bold businesses based on power and for professionals; use in combination with black and it shows Energy, strength, and passion. Similarly, other colours have also meaning and need to consider while developing a website for blogging or for business.

Writing Font Type is also important: 

About 95 % of the information on the website is written language, so it is only logical that a web designer should understand the shaping of written information. The font which you choose for writing the content is more important to keep the visitor on the page.

Usually, font Times New Roman and Arial are used for writing the text for blogging. However, there are many aesthetic Font types available, that can yield a good look to your website content.

Make use of graphics:

Images and graphics enhance a web page’s look, but they should be selected and placed carefully. Graphics should be used to convey your message appropriately.

Graphics can be pictures, artwork, animation, or videos, and can be very effective if used correctly.

Graphics can provide information, fun, and aesthetics, but they can also take time to load your website, meaningless graphics can be an extra load on your website, some time may not fit on the screen.

Graphics should also help to create a mood or a sense of place. The use of graphics has to be thoroughly considered because they slow the loading of a website. It has been shown that quality images boost sales and enhance the visitor experience.

A small business that wants graphics on its website is to consider how the graphics will add value to the user experience. The graphics should be for the direct benefit of the user, not the business.

Website Navigation or Usability:  

A website’s usability or ease of use can make or break an online business experience, and it is directly correlated to the success of the site. Visitors on your website cannot stay long if they do not find what they are looking for or figure out how the site is organized.

The purpose of site navigation is to help visitors quickly and easily find the information they need on a website. Site navigation must be easy, consistent, intuitive enough and predictable so that visitors do not have to think about it.

The key to understanding navigation is to realize that if it is too hard to use or find out, web visitors will be gone forever, and will never come again. It’s lost sales and lost opportunities for small businesses. Usability is most important for survival in the online business.

If a website is difficult to use, people will leave immediately. Small-business owners should consider post-launch usability testing to help ensure the best user experience. There are a number of free tools like Google Analytics, SiteTuners, etc .are available to check the usability of a website.

A website should be interactive with the user:

Your website visitors should become engaged with the site, stay longer, and look deeper into the site to see what the company is offering, they are less likely to jump to another site, and they should feel that they are part of a community and connected.

This will keep them coming back to the site. In many ways, small businesses can provide interactivity on their website.

You can provide a free calculator for calculating payment or tax when something is being financed. You can provide surveys, polls, or quiz tools on websites, discussion forums, Facebook, and Twitter links, searchable database of frequently asked questions, if any.

If suitable to your e-business then you can also provide interactive games, puzzles, and contests on your website. These are the few tactics that way website visitors will stay engaged on your website and ultimately you will gain from it.    

Content on the website should be high quality:

High-quality content will keep people interested so that they come back for more. Content refers to all the words, images, products, sound, video, interactive features, and any other material that an e-business puts on its website.

Content should be like that visitors are looking for, and it is what will keep them on your site. A poorly and ineffectively written Web page has an adverse impact on the efficiency of the website. Without good content, a website is an empty box.  

Good content should be relevant and customer-centric (i.e. it should be written in the language and words of the target audience that visits the website) and complies with what we know about how people read online content.

Customer reviews can increase site traffic by as much as 80 per cent, overall conversions by 60 per cent, and the average order value by 40 per cent. With respect to the posting of both positive and negative reviews, it has been shown that users trust.

A number of factors that will contribute to the success and failure of an e-business.

However, the website will not do as well as it should, and it will not reach its full potential, without good-quality content.

So, you have to understand that the Right and good content on the website is King.

Further, advertisements on the business website should be limited.

The product should be displayed properly:

Products that will be available on the website include the choice of which products, and features, how to provide product detail pages, the sort options like Price, similar products that should be available to the shopper, and where items on special will be placed on the page.

The performance of the website should be regularly checked:  

A website’s loading speed determines how fast the pages respond to a user request. A faster site speed would be a pleasant experience for the visitor. Google claims that the amount of site traffic drops by 20 per cent for every 0.5 seconds of load time.

Numbers of factors are responsible that slowing down the loading time for a website, not the least of which is the connection speed of the user’s computer.

This is out of the control of the web designer and the site. The biggest culprit, however, is a large graphic or several small graphics on a single page.

You can take advantage of some of the popular tools that are available usually for free, to measure a company’s website speed. Once the problem areas have been identified, steps can be taken to make improvements. The goal is to have a super speedy website.

The website should be well-responsive on all digital platforms:

Due to the smartphones and fast internet facilities available worldwide Mobile e-commerce (m-commerce) is vastly expanding. Hence if you want to be successful in e-Business in the 21st Century your website must be very much fast and supportive on mobiles.

Before taking your website public you must ensure some mandatory announcements like Privacy policy, disclaimer, About us, and contact details. These details can be generated online by using free tools available online. Giving these disclaimers will safeguard you and your blog or website from any future law and order implications.

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